
Delivery time

A large part of our range is in stock at our warehouse in Enschede and is available for immediate delivery. After placing an order, you will receive an order confirmation from us. This will state the delivery time of each article. If an article is out of stock, we will inform you as soon as possible.


We ship largely with our own transport, planning our routes as optimally as possible. Because we make good use of the capacity of trucks and vans, we make fewer kilometres to transport the same amount of goods and emit less CO2. We also use an external carrier that - like us - continues to invest in sustainability and sustainable logistics.

From 780,000 kg to 6,500 kg of CO2 emissions

In 2021, we enthusiastically tested an electric bus. By 2022, our vans will have been replaced by fully electric buses and our leased cars by electric cars. Our trucks run on HVO100 diesel. HVO100 is a sustainable, fossil-free fuel for diesel engines, made from plant residues, waste and residual raw materials and other organic material. The use of HVO100 reduces CO2emissions. Thanks to this greening of our fleet we have reduced our CO2-footprint by a whopping 99% (from 780,000 kg to 6,500 kg of CO2 emissions per year).

Hazardous substances

Cleaning products can contain chemicals and are therefore sometimes considered 'hazardous substances'. When transporting these items, there are a number of things to consider. Such as the route, a list of hazardous substances, classification and several provisions regarding packaging and loading and unloading. This is all laid down in the ADR (Accord européen relatif au transport international des marchandises Dangereuses par Route), the pan-European treaty for the international carriage of dangerous goods by road. We transport these products according to the ADR regulations.

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Didn't you receive your order? Please let us know as soon as possible so that we can take immediate action.