Produced using recycled plastic

Products with this standard are made with or from recycled plastic. Plastic consists of so-called polymers. These are long chains of molecules with a lot of carbon. The most commonly used plastics are polyethylene (LDPE and HDPE) and polypropylene (PP). These plastics are widely used in packaging, in addition to PET. In construction, polystyrene (PS and EPS), PVC and PUR are important plastics.

Almost all types of plastic are made from petroleum, but they can also be made from renewable resources. It is a versatile material. For instance, it lasts for a very long time, is light and strong, does not break easily and can have all kinds of other properties, for instance regarding its malleability and colour. For plastic to acquire such a specific property, other molecules can be added to its carbon chain. Those additives allow plastic to be used for many different, specific applications: from packaging to window frames.

Some of these advantages can also be a disadvantage. If plastic ends up in the environment, it stays there for a very long time and is harmful to that environment. Because of all the specific properties plastic can have, it is also difficult to sort and recycle all the different types. Most types of plastic are recyclable in theory, though. After use, the material can be melted and then turned into a new, and therefore recycled, product. Products with the symbol above belong to that group and their materials are thus made reusable. It must be proven that no toxic (harmful) substances are present in the recyclates and this standardisation proves that. Products produced with recycled plastic reduce waste incineration, CO2 emissions and environmental pollution (due to less non-degrading plastic in nature/sea).